Do you hear that? Or is it just me?

Tinnitus Treatment

A Common Myth About Tinnitus

Tinnitus is that pesky ringing or buzzing in your ear that doesn’t seem to go away. Though tinnitus is an annoying condition, it can also become quite debilitating for some. Maybe a doctor has even told you that there is nothing to help- that you will just have to deal with it? But, that is not the case! There are ways to make it better. Here are some misconceptions about tinnitus and the facts you need to know!

Myth: There is nothing that can be done for my tinnitus

Fact: Many people visit the doctor about the buzzing in their ears and leave with the discouraging response, “Tinnitus is just something that you will have to live with, try to ignore it.” The fact is, there is a LOT that can be done to lessen the effects of tinnitus. The first step you can take is to make an appointment at Landmark Hearing with Dr. Amy Nelson.

Here are some ways that help to decrease those buzzing sounds 

  • Tinnitus Counseling: A tinnitus assessment and counseling with a professional who is trained in managing tinnitus can help to determine the cause of your tinnitus and minimize the negative impact that it can have on your life. The effects of tinnitus can often be decreased by a combination of counseling and an individual treatment plan.
  • Tinnitus Management: Tinnitus management devices can drastically vary. Depending on your assessment, the Doctor can discuss the best option to fit your life style. Some of the devices we offer at Landmark Hearing are Oticon tinnitus sound support, Widex Zen therapy, Desyncra, and Neuromonics devices. To see the other devices that we offer, visit our tinnitus page.
  • Ear Protection: Noise exposure is the leading cause of tinnitus. So, it is important that you wear ear protection when around loud sounds like at concerts, the shooting range, occupational environments and more.
  • Relaxation Exercises: Stress can often make tinnitus worse. When you start to feel overwhelmed and stressed, try reading a book, going for a walk, or practice breathing exercises for relaxation. 

According to the American Tinnitus Association, over 50 million Americans experience some form of tinnitus. It is important to know that you are not alone and that there is help!

You can make an appointment by calling us at (408) 773-9933  or by making an appointment online at



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