Tag Archives: Causes of Hearing Loss

Diabetes: A Risk Factor for Hearing Loss

Diabetes and hearing loss Diabetes is becoming an extremely common disease, making it a large contributor to hearing loss. Though under-recognized, hearing loss can be a serious complication of uncontrolled diabetes.

In 2008, the National Institute of Health (NHI) conducted a study that showed hearing loss is about twice as likely to occur in adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes than those who do not have the disease. After testing over 4,700 participants, the NHI found that there was a strong correlation between diabetes and the participant’s ability to hear a range of frequencies in both ears. Of those participants with diabetes, 54% reported a hearing loss of high-frequency sounds.  Continue reading

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Hearing loss, A reality for all ages

Hearing loss due to noise exposure

Hearing loss, that’s only a problem for older people, right? 

Think again! Noise exposure, not age, is the leading cause of hearing loss. While is it common for older individuals  to have hearing loss, damage from everyday noise is a growing issue amongst our younger generations. The baby boomer generation is dealing with skin cancer due to the tanning they did as teens. This generation will be dealing with hearing loss due to high levels of damaging noise exposure. Continue reading

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Work Out Your Body, Not Your Ears!

Noise Induced Hearing Loss due to Fitness Classes

Hearing Loss and Fitness Classes 

Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL), or hearing loss due to noise exposure affects about 15 percent of adults between the ages of 20 and 69. The increase of noise-induced hearing loss among adults has been associated with exposure to occupational as well as non occupational sources of noise.  Continue reading

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